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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - room


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~1 n 1 »IN A BUILDING« a part of the inside of a building that has its own walls, floor and ceiling  (bathroom/dining room/meeting room etc (=a room used for washing, eating etc))  (The meeting room's upstairs on your right. | We could hear someone laughing in the next room. | It's bedtime - you'd better go up to your room. | I'm staying at the Arosa Hotel - Room 348.) single/double room (=a room in a hotel for one person or for two)  (- see place1) 2 »SPACE« enough space for a particular purpose  (there's room in)  (I'd like to bring the children if there's room in the car. | there's room for)  (There's not enough room in the fridge for all this food. | there's room to do sth)  (There wasn't really room to lie down comfortably. | have room (for sth))  (Do you have room for another book in your bag? | Have you got room for some dessert? (=can you eat some?) | make room (for sth))  (I'll just clear out the cupboard to make room for your stuff. | leave room (for sth) (=make sure there is enough room for something))  (Leave room for people to get past. | take up room (=use a lot of space))  (That old wardrobe takes up too much room. | leg-room/head-room (=space for your legs or head in a vehicle))  (You have more leg-room if you travel first class. | there's not enough room to swing a cat informal (=used to say that there is very little space in a room))  (- see also elbow­room) 3 »OPPORTUNITY« the chance to do the things that you want to do or need to do + for  (There's little room for innovation.) ~ to do sth  (Children need to have room to develop their natural creativity. | room for manoeuvre (=freedom to change your plans or decisions))  (The strict export regulations left us no room for manoeuvre.) 4 »POSSIBILITY« the possibility that something may exist or will happen  (room for doubt)  (The evidence left no room for doubt - Brooks was guilty.) 5 there's room for improvement used to say that someone's work or performance is not perfect and needs to be improved 6 one-roomed/two-roomed etc having one room, two rooms etc 7 »APARTMENT« rooms old-fashioned especially BrE two or more rooms that you rent in a building, or stay in at a college  (- see also front room, living room, sitting room) ~2 v AmE 1 room with sb to share a room with someone at college 2 + into rent and live in a room somewhere
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  (rooms, rooming, roomed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A room is one of the separate sections or parts of the inside of a building. Rooms have their own walls, ceilings, floors, and doors, and are usually used for particular activities. You can refer to all the people who are in a room as the room. A minute later he excused himself and left the room... The whole room roared with laughter. N-COUNT 2. If you talk about your room, you are referring to the room that you alone use, especially your bedroom at home or your office at work. If you’re running upstairs, go to my room and bring down my sweater, please. N-COUNT: poss N 3. A room is a bedroom in a hotel. Toni booked a room in an hotel not far from Arzfeld. N-COUNT 4. If you room with someone, you share a rented room, apartment, or house with them, for example when you are a student. (AM) I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School. VERB: V with n, also V together 5. If there is room somewhere, there is enough empty space there for people or things to be fitted in, or for people to move freely or do what they want to. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors... N-UNCOUNT see also leg room, standing room 6. If there is room for a particular kind of behaviour or action, people are able to behave in that way or to take that action. The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety... N-UNCOUNT: usu N for n 7. If you have room for manoeuvre, you have the opportunity to change your plans if it becomes necessary or desirable. With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre. PHRASE: PHR after v, poss PHR, with PHR 8. to give something houseroom: see houseroom see also changing room, chat room, common room, consulting room, dining room, drawing room, dressing room, elbow room, emergency room, ladies’ room, leg room, living room, locker room, men’s room, morning room, powder room, reading room, reception room,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rum; akin to Old High German rum ~, Latin rur-, rus open land  Date: before 12th century  1. an extent of space occupied by or sufficient or available for something ~ to run and play  2.  a. obsolete an appropriate or designated position, post, or station  b. place, stead in whose ~ I am now assuming the pen — Sir Walter Scott  3.  a. a partitioned part of the inside of a building; especially such a part used as a lodging  b. the people in a ~  4. a suitable or fit occasion or opportunity ; chance no ~ for doubt  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  Date: 1817  intransitive verb to occupy or share a ~ especially as a lodger  transitive verb to accommodate with lodgings ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a space that is or might be occupied by something; capaciousness or ability to accommodate contents (it takes up too much room; there is plenty of room; we have no room here for idlers). b space in or on (houseroom; shelf-room). 2 a a part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, floor and ceiling. b (in pl.) a set of these occupied by a person or family; apartments or lodgings. c persons present in a room (the room fell silent). 3 (in comb.) a room or area for a specified purpose (auction-room). 4 (foll. by for, or to + infin.) opportunity or scope (room to improve things; no room for dispute). --v.intr. US have a room or rooms; lodge, board. Phrases and idioms make room (often foll. by for) clear a space (for a person or thing) by removal of others; make way, yield place. not (or no) room to swing a cat a very confined space. rooming-house a lodging house. room-mate a person occupying the same room as another. room service (in a hotel etc.) service of food or drink taken to a guest's room. Derivatives -roomed adj. (in comb.). roomful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: OE rum f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) комната; помещение; камера 2) мн. ч. квартира 3) место; пространство 4) горн. камера; очистная выработка 5) цех; отделение - aircrew briefing room - ambulance room - anechoic room - announcer room - apparatus room - assembly room - assorting room - audio control room - autoclave room - batch room - bath room - battery room - bio clean room - blending room - boiler room - boning room - bottling room - breakup room - butchering room - cell room - central apparatus room - central control room - change room - chilling room - churn room - class 100 clean room - clay room - clean room - cloth room - cold room - compressor room - computer room - computerized news room - coning room - continuity and presentation room - continuity room - control room - controlled atmosphere storage room - cooking room - crew waiting room - cross-flow clean room - cupping room - curing room - cutting room - dark room - dead room - digester room - dispatch room - dough room - down flow clean room - dressing room - dubbing room - dump room - echo room - editing room - engine room - equipment room - fermentation room - filling room - film editing room - finishing room - fog room - forming room - free-field room - freezer room - freezing room - furnace room - galvanizing-bath room - galvanizing room - garbage room - gowning room - grain cleaning room - graphics room - grinder room - grinding room - habitable room - hard-wall type clean room - hoist room - horizontal Laminar flow clean room - horizontal flow clean room - instrument room - jacketed cold-storage room - jacketed cold room - knitting room - lamp room - leg room - lift truck battery room - machine room - marine cold room - marine vessel control room - mill room - milling room - mine rescue room - mixing room - mobile studio-control room - modular clean room - moist room - monitor room - nonlaminar clean room - open production control room - open control room - packing room - pot room - prefabricated cold room -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  комната, помещение (любое, исключая коммуникационное) adjacent room air-conditioned room air-conditioning equipment room anechoic room assembly room attic room auction room baggage room ball room banking room bath room battery room beam-ceilinged living room bed room bed-sitting room boiler room changing room check room clean room clothes-locker room cold room common room computer room conference room consultation room control room cook room cooling room court room dark room dead room dining room double room drawing room dressing room dressing-locker room drill room dustbin room elevator machine room emergency room engine room equipment room erecting room family room fan room first aid room fog room freezing room front room guest room habitable room high-ceilinged room isolation room kitchen-dining room laundry room lecture room lift machine room lift motor room living room locker room machine room maid's room mechanical equipment room meeting room moist room observation room operating room perambulator storage room plant room play room powder room pram storage room prefabricated room pump room reading room reception room recording room recreation room refreshment room repair room rest room show room shower room sitting room sleeping room smoking room sound-proof room spare room spray room stack room steam curing room stock room storage room strong room sun room switch room teaching room test room three-bed room toilet room tool room transformer room transmitting room undressing room utility room ventilation plant room waiting room wash room white room working room ROOM ACOUSTICS архитектурная (геометрическая) акустика; акустика помещений ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) помещение; комната 2) радио рубка – anechoic room – apparatus room – audio-control room – central apparatus room – continuity room – dead room – digital mobile control room – entrance room – equipment room – line-switching room – master control room – news room – radio room – recording room – switch room – terminal room ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) зал 2) комната 3) комнатный 4) помещение central control room — центральная аппаратная engine room patrol — обходчик оборудования nonlaminar clean room — помещение чистое с обычной системой воздухоснабжения - accumulator room - acoustic room - amenity room - apparatus room - battery room - boiler room - charging room - composing room - drilling room - engine room - exhibit room - fermentation room - freezing room - garret room - head room - length of room - locker room - machine room - milk room - operating room - power-unit room - reading room - review room - room acoustics - room background - room sonority - room temperature - screening room - service room - sound room - tank room - turbine room - waiting room ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) пространство 2) возможность 3) участок памяти (ЭВМ) – patent room – public reading room – public research room – record room – stack room ROOM 1. сущ. 1) комната; помещение 2) пространство, место • - boiler room - conference room - customer's room - hotel room Syn: accommodation, space, place 2. гл. жить на квартире, занимать комнату ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. комната; зал consulting room —- кабинет врача operating room —- операционная single room —- комната на одного reading room —- читальный зал control room —- аппаратная, операторская, диспетчерская apparatus room —- машинный зал to share a room with smb. —- жить в одной комнате с кем-л. to do one's room —- убирать комнату to keep one's room —- не выходить из комнаты 2. люди, находящиеся в комнате, компания, общество the whole room applauded —- аплодировала вся комната he set the room in a roar —- он заставил хохотать всех присутствующих 3. квартира; жилье come and see me in my room —- приходите ко мне в гости 4. место, пространство to make (to give) room for —- посторониться, дать место there is room for one more in the car —- в машине есть место еще для одного (человека) only room for standing —- здесь можно только стоять the table takes too much room —- стол занимает слишком много места make room for me to squeeze by —- подвиньтесь, дайте мне протиснуться can you make room on that shelf for some more books? —- можно ли поставить книги на полке поплотнее? room for the King! —- дорогу королю! 5. возможность there is no room for improvement —- лучше некуда there is room for improvement —- кое-что надо исправить there is no room for dispute —- нет почвы для разногласий there is no room for doubt —- нет оснований для сомнения (сомневаться) there is room for argument here —- здесь есть о чем...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  temperature комнатная температура ROOM service noun обслуживание номеров (в гостинице); подача еды и напитков в номера ROOM  1. noun  1) комната  2) pl. помещение; квартира  3) место, пространство; there is room for one more in the car - в машине есть место еще для одного человека; to make room for - потесниться, дать место; no room to turn in, no room to swing a cat - негде повернуться; яблоку негде упасть  4) возможность; there is room for improvement - могло бы быть и лучше; there is no room for dispute - нет почвы для разногласий to keep the whole room laughing - развлекать все общество to prefer a mans room to his presence - предпочитать не видеть кого-л. I would rather have his room than his company - я предпочел бы, чтобы он ушел - in the room of  2. v.  1) amer. жить на квартире; занимать комнату; to room with smb. - жить с кем-л. (в одной комнате); Of course I know him well, we roomed together for a year.  2) дать помещение, разместить (людей) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. Rip Once Output Many NASDAQ abbr. Hotel Reservations Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. rum, from P.Gmc. *ruman. Originally "space" (a sense preserved in make room), meaning "chamber, cabin" first recorded 1312 as a nautical term, and first applied 1457 to chambers within houses. The O.E. word for this was cofa, ancestor of cove. Roommate is 1838, Amer.Eng.; roomy is from 1627. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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